Nesmith Library

Windham, New Hampshire

Libby will soon require your PIN!

Changes are coming to Libby logins!

Starting May 1, 2024, logging into the Libby app will require a Personal Identification Number (PIN). This change is part of our efforts to ensure a consistent and convenient experience to access to our digital resources.

Don't remember your PIN? That's okay!

Your PIN is typically the last four digits of your phone number, offering a simple and secure way to access our digital collection.

If you're unsure about your PIN or need assistance setting it up, our dedicated team is here to help. Whether you prefer to give us a call at 603-432-7154 or shoot us an email at, we're here to help you make the most of our digital library services.

We understand that navigating digital platforms can sometimes be daunting, but rest assured, we're here to make the process as smooth as possible. With this change, logging into the Libby app will be as easy as turning the page of your favorite book.

Happy reading!

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